IDEAS Welcomes 2020 Policy Research Fellows
The IDEAS Center welcomes three fellows selected for our new Policy Research Fellowship Program for 2020-2021: Kiara Alvarez, PhD (Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School), Gracelyn Cruden, PhD (Oregon Social Learning Center), and Rebecca Lengnick Hall (Washington University in St. Louis).
With ALACRITY Center funding (NIMHP50MH113662), and training infrastructure support from the Implementation Research Institute (IRI) at the Brown School, Washington University (St. Louis), led by Dr. Enola Proctor, the new fellows will receive training and intensive year-long mentoring to pursue their individual research projects related to improving the use of evidence-based practices and increasing the use of research evidence in state children’s mental health policymaking.
The fellows will officially begin the Policy Research Fellowship Program in May 2020, with their first training—virtual, rather than the planned in-person training at Washington University, due to COVID-19—on dissemination and implementation and systems science. IDEAS Center mentors, as well as each of the fellows’ home institution mentors, stand ready to help them as they launch into this intensive, year-long training program. Welcome to our three new fellows~we are glad to have you join our IDEAS team!
With ALACRITY Center funding (NIMHP50MH113662), and training infrastructure support from the Implementation Research Institute (IRI) at the Brown School, Washington University (St. Louis), led by Dr. Enola Proctor, the new fellows will receive training and intensive year-long mentoring to pursue their individual research projects related to improving the use of evidence-based practices and increasing the use of research evidence in state children’s mental health policymaking.
The fellows will officially begin the Policy Research Fellowship Program in May 2020, with their first training—virtual, rather than the planned in-person training at Washington University, due to COVID-19—on dissemination and implementation and systems science. IDEAS Center mentors, as well as each of the fellows’ home institution mentors, stand ready to help them as they launch into this intensive, year-long training program. Welcome to our three new fellows~we are glad to have you join our IDEAS team!